5 letter words

training-typing-5-letters-words-left-curly bracket-and-right-curly bracket

{ }


Level 162 Training - 5 letter words: { }

Level description:

5 letter words.

Typing words of various sizes demands greater accuracy to minimize errors. Training with different word lengths can enhance your focus and attention to detail, reducing the likelihood of typos.

5 Touch typing tips to consider:

  1. Warm-Up Routine : Before intense typing, perform hand and finger exercises to warm up your muscles.
  2. Practice Regularly : Consistent practice is crucial for improving your typing speed. Dedicate time each day to practice and gradually increase the duration as you progress.
  3. Document Holder : If you frequently refer to physical documents while typing, use a document holder positioned at the same height and distance as your monitor.
  4. Utilize Touch Typing Games : Engaging in typing games can make practice more enjoyable and help you develop speed and accuracy in a fun way.
  5. Desk Depth : Ensure that your desk depth allows you to comfortably rest your arms while typing.


Regular and focused practice is key to improving your touch typing skills over time.
